東日本大震災:がれき処理、受け入れ前向き 姫路市長、会見で被災地との絆 /兵庫 Himeji City mayor wants to accept tsunami debris

兵庫-焼却場と政府を連絡して下さい Tell Hyogo not to accept tsunami debris!

東日本大震災:がれき処理、受け入れ前向き 姫路市長、会見で被災地との絆 /兵庫


毎日新聞 4月5日(木)14時59分配信


Himeji City Mayor says that those in opposition are in minority and that there is a “silent majority” which supports the acceptance and burning of tsunami debris.  Himeji city is the home of the UNESCO world heritage Himeji Castle and 535,889 inhabitants (city website).  Please call, email, visit Hyogo prefecture to tell them not to accept contaminated rubble. The city hall email address has also been added to the change.org petition  .

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