三重県: 焼却場と政府を連絡して下さい Contact Mie Prefecture!

1. 四日市市 Yokkaichi City


政策推進部 秘書課
所在地/〒510-8601 三重県四日市市諏訪町1番5号(市役所8階)
電話番号 (telephone) 059-354-8111  FAX 059-354-3974 
E-mail/ hisyo@city.yokkaichi.mie.jp

2012.4.12: 安全確保や住民の理解 条件整えば検討 がれき処理で四日市市長

三重県: 焼却場と政府を連絡して下さい Contact Mie Prefecture!

via: http://www.isenp.co.jp/news/20120412/news03.htm


 安全確保や住民の理解 条件整えば検討 がれき処理で四日市市長



ただ、埋め立ては「(可能性は)ほぼゼロだ」と物理的に不可能との認識を重ねて強調。焼却については安全性や地域住民の理解、焼却灰の受け入れ先確保を 条件に、「埋め立てに比べれば可能性はゼロでない」と含みを持たせた。併せて、受け入れる際には住民説明会など、関係者からの意見聴取が必要との意向を示 した。

その上で「四日市としても何らかの協力はしたいとの気持ちは強く持っている。一定の方向性が出る十九日の市長会の結果や、県の安全基準を受けて、どこまで協力できるかしっかり検討したい」と語った。 解 条件整えば検討 がれき処理で四日市市長確保や住民の理解 条件整えば検討 がれき処理で四日市市長

東日本大震災:環境省、がれき処理で市町村長向け説明会−−13日に橿原で /奈良

 奈良・橿原市議へ反対の電話をお願いします。 Call Nara!

via: 毎日新聞 2012年04月06日 地方版


震災がれきを巡っては国が先月、各県に処理受け入れを要請し、6日までに検討結果の回答を求めている。 荒井知事は「広域処理は協力してできたらいいと思う」と述べる一方、「放射性物質のレベル、どう最終処理するかなどまだ不明確。県内では心配だという市町 村がほとんどだ」と指摘し、説明会などを通じ市町村の考えを確認する考えを示した。国への回答は「受け入れるとも受け入れないとも言えない」とした。

市内5カ所とごみ焼却施設 放射線量など測定 きょうから 和歌山市


ビア: yahoo







2012.4.10 Toyama agrees to take tsunami debris from Iwate

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Toyama agrees to take tsunami debris from Iwate


MORIOKA — Toyama and Iwate prefectures signed a disaster debris memorandum Monday stating that Toyama will conditionally help Iwate store and incinerate the mountains of waste generated by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

The conditions set out by Gov. Takakazu Ishii and Iwate Gov. Takuya Tasso include prior consent from residents near disposal facilities in Toyama and radiation levels for cesium below the central government’s limit of 100 becquerels per kilogram of debris.

Before signing the memorandum, Gov. Takakazu Ishii visited a debris sorting facility in Yamada, Iwate Prefecture, where he said radiation levels were lower than expected.

“It has become easier to secure consent from Toyama residents on safety,” Ishii said.

Debris disposal has been slow in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima, the prefectures hit hardest by the March 2011 disasters that also triggered multiple core meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 power complex.

But unlike Fukushima, where efforts are being made to keep debris-disposal within the prefecture, other prefectures are reluctant to store and incinerate debris from Iwate and Miyagi due to the unknown effects of radiation exposure.

東日本大震災:がれき処理、受け入れ前向き 姫路市長、会見で被災地との絆 /兵庫 Himeji City mayor wants to accept tsunami debris

兵庫-焼却場と政府を連絡して下さい Tell Hyogo not to accept tsunami debris!

東日本大震災:がれき処理、受け入れ前向き 姫路市長、会見で被災地との絆 /兵庫


毎日新聞 4月5日(木)14時59分配信


Himeji City Mayor says that those in opposition are in minority and that there is a “silent majority” which supports the acceptance and burning of tsunami debris.  Himeji city is the home of the UNESCO world heritage Himeji Castle and 535,889 inhabitants (city website).  Please call, email, visit Hyogo prefecture to tell them not to accept contaminated rubble. The city hall email address has also been added to the change.org petition  .











2012年4月7日17時24分  読売新聞)

35 prefectures, cities positive about taking debris

Please contact prefectures to tell them not to accept tsunami debris!

35 prefectures, cities positive about taking debris

Via: The Yomiuri Shimbun

Thirty-five prefectures or major cities have accepted or are at least leaning toward accepting disaster debris from Iwate and Miyagi prefectures, according to a Yomiuri Shimbun survey.

Removing the millions of tons of debris dumped by the March 11, 2011, disaster is considered critical to helping reconstruction of these hard-hit areas.

The Yomiuri surveyed the governors of 44 prefectural governments and mayors of 18 ordinance-designated cities that the central government has asked to accept debris for disposal. Of them, 35–nearly 60 percent–have accepted debris or expressed their intention to accept it.

In addition, 17 local governments, or 27 percent, said they would discuss the matter.

Aomori and Yamagata prefectures and Tokyo have already accepted disaster debris.

The 11 prefectures that have expressed their intention to accept debris are: Hokkaido, Akita, Gunma, Saitama, Tochigi, Chiba, Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Kyoto, Osaka and Oita. The ordinance-designated cities that said they intend to accept debris are Chiba, Kawasaki, Hamamatsu and Osaka.

Of them, 10 prefectures and two cities have set or plan to set independent standards that are stricter than government safety guidelines for radiation levels in debris, which range between 240 and 480 becquerels per kilogram before incineration.

Aichi Prefecture said it had decided to accept debris, and 11 prefectures and five cities–Saitama, Yokohama, Sagamihara, Niigata and Kyoto–said they were considering the matter with a view to accepting debris. According to the survey, 10 other prefectures and seven cities were discussing the matter.

The Yomiuri surveyed all prefectural governments, except for disaster-hit Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima, and ordinance-designated cities, except for Sendai and Kumamoto, which received the designation just last Sunday.

(Apr. 8, 2012)